1. Go to Sidebar Navigation Menu

2. Click “Work Orders”

3. Click “Create Work Order”

Tip: Tip! Resident, Inspection, Extermination, Move Out Inspection, and Annual Inspection are the options for Work Orders

4. Select a “Work Order Type”

5. Select a Tenant/Resident (yourself)

6. Choose who to assign the work order to

7. Select if the Personnel will have access to the space in the event the tenant isn’t present

8. Add information into “Subject” field.

9. Select a “Problem Location”

10. Select a “Problem Type”

11. Select a “Problem”

12. Add a Description if necessary

13. Select a “Priority” level

14. Click the “Scheduled Date” field to schedule a day for the maintenance.

15. Set an Hour

16. Select a Minute

17. Select AM/PM

18. Click “Create”

19. Verify all Work Order Information

20. Verify ” Expenses”

21. Verify “Billings”

22. Verify “Documents”

23. Add additional notes if necessary

24. Click “Edit Work Order” to edit the work order request