1. Go to Sidebar Navigation Menu
2. Click “Income Self – Certifications”
3. Click “Create Income Self-Cert”
4. Select a “Resident/Tenant” (yourself)
5. Click “Create”
6. Click “OK”
7. Review the following information
Tip: Tip! Draft, Pending, Incomplete, and Complete are the options for “Update Status”
8. Select an “Update Status”
9. Click “Update”
10. Click “OK”
11. Click “Add Income”
Tip: Tip! Child Support, Full Time, Part Time, Government Assistance, Self Employment, SSI/SSD, and Unemployed are the options for Income Source Type
12. Click this dropdown.
13. Enter in a name for the “Income Source” and a “Manager/Contact Name”
14. Enter a “Phone Number” into the field
15. Enter in a “3 Months Gross Income”
16. Click “Create”
17. Verify Information